November 2024
Thesis A.H. Musters
Improving atopic eczema care through international collaboration. In a major matter, no details are small
November 2024
December 2024
Jaarlijkse bijeenkomst met farma sponsoren
December 2024
British Journal of Dermatology
Dupilumab-associated (hyper)eosinophilia in patients with atopic dermatitis: a single-center cohort study of the TREAT NL (TREatment of ATopic eczema, the Netherlands) registry
December, 2023
Jaarlijkse bijeenkomst met farma sponsoren
December, 2023
December, 2023
Journal of Dermatological treatment
The clinical relevance of dupilumab serum concentration in patients with atopic dermatitis: a two-center prospective cohort study.
December, 2023
November, 2023
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology
Real-world reported adverse events related to systemic immunomodulating therapy in patients with atopic dermatitis: Results from the TREAT NL (TREatment of ATopic eczema, the Netherlands) registry.
November, 2023
Oktober, 2023
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Comparison of real-world treatment outcomes of systemic immunomodulating therapy in atopic dermatitis patients with dark and light skin types.
Oktober, 2023
September, 2023
Thesis A.L. Bosma
Understanding treatment response in real-world patients with atopic eczema.
September, 2023
Juni, 2023
TREAT NL/BE bijeenkomst
Juni, 2023
September, 2022
Jaarlijkse bijeenkomst met farma sponsoren
September, 2022
Augustus, 2022
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology
Mapping exercise and status update of eight established registries within the TREatment of ATopic eczema Registry Taskforce.
Augustus, 2022
Juni, 2022
TREAT NL/BE bijeenkomst
Juni, 2022
Juli, 2021
Juni, 2021
Jaarlijkse bijeenkomst met farma sponsoren
Juni, 2021
Mei, 2021
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology
Paternal and maternal use of dupilumab in patients with atopic dermatitis: a case series.
Mei, 2021
Mei, 2021
Journal of Dermatology
Work ability and quality of working life in atopic dermatitis patients treated with dupilumab.
Mei, 2021
April, 2021
Patiëntenblad VMCE: Dankzij verzamelde gegevens bijhouden hoe patiënten op hun behandeling reageren.
April, 2021
Oktober, 2020
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie (NTvDV)
Bewijs uit registratiestudies voor atopisch eczeem.
Oktober, 2020
Mei, 2020
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Long-term Effectiveness and Safety of Treatment With Dupilumab in Patients With Atopic Dermatitis: Results of the TREAT NL (TREatment of ATopic Eczema, the Netherlands) Registry.
Mei, 2020
Februari, 2020
British Journal of Dermatology
The European TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce survey: prescribing practices in Europe for phototherapy and systemic therapy in adult patients with moderate-to-severe atopic eczema.
Februari, 2020
Februari, 2020
British Journal of Dermatology
Effectiveness of dupilumab treatment in 95 patients with atopic dermatitis: daily practice data.
Februari, 2020
Augustus, 2019
British Journal of Dermatology
TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: protocol for a European safety study of dupilumab and other systemic therapies in patients with atopic eczema.
Augustus, 2019
10-15 juni, 2019
Poster presentation World Dermatology Congress
TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) survey.
Presenter: F.M. Vermeulen. Milan (Italy).
Presenter: F.M. Vermeulen. Milan (Italy).
10-15 juni, 2019
Februari, 2019
British Journal of Dermatology
TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: consensus on how and when to measure the core dataset for atopic eczema treatment research registries.
Februari, 2019
31 januari-1 februari, 2019
Poster presentation Nederlandse Vereniging van Experimentele Dermatologie (NVED)
TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: consensus on how and when to measure the core dataset for atopic eczema treatment research registries.
consensus on how and when to measure the core dataset for atopic eczema treatment research registries.
Presenter: F.M. Vermeulen. Lunteren (the Netherlands).
Presenter: F.M. Vermeulen. Lunteren (the Netherlands).
31 januari-1 februari, 2019
November, 2018
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Allergie en Astma (NTvAA)
Een vogelperspectief op eczeem; harmoniseren van uitkomstmaten en datasets voor atopisch eczeem.
November, 2018
September, 2018
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie (NTvDV)
A bird’s-eye view on eczema. Harmonising outcomes and datasets for atopic eczema.
September, 2018
12-16 september, 2018
Oral presentation European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis (ETFAD)
TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: consensus on how and when to measure the core dataset for atopic eczema treatment research registries. consensus on how and when to measure the core dataset for atopic eczema treatment research registries.
Speaker: F.M. Vermeulen. Paris (France).
Speaker: F.M. Vermeulen. Paris (France).
12-16 september, 2018
Mei, 2018
British Journal of Dermatology
TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: An international Delphi exercise to identify a core set of domains and domain items for national atopic eczema photo- and systemic therapy registries.
Mei, 2018
April, 2018
Thesis L.A.A. Gerbens
A bird's-eye view on eczema - Harmonising outcomes and datasets for atopic eczema.
April, 2018
11-13 april, 2018
Oral presentation 10th Georg Rakja International Symposium on Atopic Dermatitis (ISAD)
TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: an international exercise to harmonise data collection for national atopic eczema registries.
Speaker: L.A.A. Gerbens. Utrecht (the Netherlands).
Speaker: L.A.A. Gerbens. Utrecht (the Netherlands).
11-13 april, 2018
Februari, 2018
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde (NTvG)
Dupilumab is eerste biological voor atopisch eczeem.
Februari, 2018
September, 2017
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
The international TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: an initiative to harmonise data collection across national atopic eczema photo- and systemic therapy registries.
September, 2017
17-21 juni, 2017
Oral presentation European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)
How to set up an international high quality registry? The TREatment of ATopic Eczema (TREAT) registry.
Speaker: Ph.I. Spuls. Helsinki (Finland).
Speaker: Ph.I. Spuls. Helsinki (Finland).
17-21 juni, 2017
April, 2017
Medisch Contact
Topic: Stappen voorwaarts maar ook pas op de plaats. Richtlijn psoriasis, Atopisch eczeem en EADV.
April, 2017
30-31 maart, 2017
Oral presentation European Dermato-Epidemiology Network (EDEN)
TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: an international Delphi exercise to identify a core set of domains and domain items for national atopic eczema registries. Speaker: L.A.A. Gerbens. Madrid (Spain).
30-31 maart, 2017
Februari, 2017
TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: protocol for an international Delphi exercise to identify a core set of domains and domain items for national atopic eczema registries.
Februari, 2017
Januari, 2017
Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG)
Usage and effectiveness of systemic treatments in adults with severe atopic eczema: First results of the German Atopic Eczema Registry TREATgermany.
Januari, 2017
28 september-2 oktober, 2016
Oral presentation European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis (ETFAD)
TREAT-Europe Registry: TREatment of severe ATopic eczema Taskforce International Eczema Registry.
Speaker: Ph.I. Spuls. Vienna (Austria).
Speaker: Ph.I. Spuls. Vienna (Austria).
28 september-2 oktober, 2016
19-21 mei, 2016
Poster presentation 9th Georg Rajka International Symposium on Atopic Dermatitis (ISAD)
TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: protocol for an international Delphi exercise to identify a core set of domains and domain items for national atopic eczema registries.
Presenter: L.A.A. Gerbens. Sao Paulo (Brazil).
19-21 mei, 2016
28-30 juni, 2015
Oral presentation Global Allergy Forum, meeting Atopic Dermatitis
A registry for patients on systemic therapy for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis.
Speakers: Ph.I. Spuls, A. Irvine. Davos (Switzerland).
Speakers: Ph.I. Spuls, A. Irvine. Davos (Switzerland).
28-30 juni, 2015
20 maart, 2015
Oral presentation International Eczema Council (IEC) at the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) conference
International TREatment of ATopic dermatitis Taskforce (TREAT) Registry.
Speaker: Ph.I. Spuls. San Francisco (USA).
Speaker: Ph.I. Spuls. San Francisco (USA).
20 maart, 2015